CAD Architectural Grades 9-12
Entry #:
Entry Title:
HFH-Affordable House
Project Description:
Since I made different sheets to show the house project more in-depth, I downloaded each sheet to different files and joined them together into one PDF. So, to view the project, one can download the file and view the project. This is my CAD Architecture project that I created in my 3rd course of pre-engineering class at Worcester Technical High School (11th grade and year 2022). The class was called Civil Engineering Architecture where we focused on the principles of civil engineering and learned distinctive styles of architecture. One of the class projects was to create an affordable house, based on Habitat for Humanity. To create an affordable house for a family, a survey had to be done, so I decided to survey one of the staff at my home school (Pocomoke High School) to create a house that would satisfy their needs. I used the software provided at WTHS called Revit to create the house, take measurements, and render the image. The house consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 dining room, and 1 utility room (more details are provided in the sheets). The goal was to create an affordable house for people who cannot afford it. This project was an enjoyable experience that helped me visualize and feel the process that architects must go through.
Click the button for the full size photo or complete project.
Projects must be created using computer software. Completed projects must be submitted as either digital program files or links. If your design will not function without the software, the student submission must include a screen recording or screenshots showcasing the design. For example, students can screen record on their iPad, upload the file to OneDrive, generate a link and copy/paste the link in with the cad information to
Judging Criteria
Content Achieves Purpose
The project meets a clear and focused purpose. It addresses a question/problem that needs solving in student’s life, school, community or world.
Content Suitable to Audience
Does the idea have practical applications? Is there a well-defined, significant market for its use?
What makes the design novel? Does it represent an important advance over the current state of design? The product is innovative and displays a new approach to solve a question/problem.
The drawing or design presentation should be complete such that all of the needed information to fully understand and execute the design is included in the submission. Technical drawings are typically accompanied by dimensions and notations, which add up to a complete understanding of the item or space defined by the drawing.
Overall Effectiveness/Presentation
Line weight, line style, dimensioning, use of scales, use of blocks and borders and are all neat, with an excellent overall visual presentation.
Appropriate Design Techniques/Resources
There are many software programs to help create designs and convey these designs effectively. Choosing the right software for the subject can dramatically affect the ease with which designs are created and communicated. Under this criterion, judges will also be looking for evidence that student designers explored and employed elements of the software program to aid them in the creation or communication of the design.
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