Interactive Media

Interactive Media
Create websites, presentations, digital portfolios, blogs or interactive worksheets which could have embedded hyperlinks.
Students may enter one project per subcategory but can submit additional projects as part of a group. However, group members must differ for each project. Students are challenged to create websites, presentations, digital portfolios, blogs or interactive worksheets which could have embedded hyperlinks. All entries must depend upon participation by the viewer. These entries may be either educational/informational or personal/entertainment.
Interactive worksheets, PowerPoints, digital portfolios, or blogs may be entered using the student’s Office 365 account. All hyperlinks should be functional. Websites created entirely by original code will be entered in Coding. Directions and a direct link for accessing your online entry must be included on the entry form.
Judging Criteria
Creativity and Originality: The project demonstrates a unique concept and showcases the creator's perspective in developing the interactive media project. The approach taken shows inventiveness and creativity in its execution.
Subject Matter: The content chosen is relevant and engaging, and it is presented in a way that captures the audience's attention through innovative techniques that enhance the overall experience.
Layout and Design: The arrangement of elements within the project is well thought out, including the visual hierarchy, navigation, and overall flow of content. Interactive elements are clearly visible, intuitive, and function reliably.
Usability: The project is easy to navigate, offering clear instructions and accessible design that allows users to interact with the media smoothly and efficiently.
Overall Effectiveness/Presentation
Technical Proficiency: The project demonstrates a high level of functionality and responsiveness, adhering to web standards and best practices. The site or media production effectively communicates the intended purpose in a visually appealing, neat, and creative manner.
User Engagement: The interactive media captivates the user's interest by offering compelling content and interactive elements, such as hyperlinks and embedded media, that enhance the user experience.
Appropriate Design Techniques/Resources
Visual Design: The project effectively uses visual elements like color, typography, fonts, graphics, and icons to create an aesthetically pleasing and engaging experience for users.
Embedded Links and Resources: Hyperlinks and multimedia elements are integrated skillfully to enrich the content, providing additional information or context to enhance the user's understanding and experience.